Dr.Pushpa Patil, has served as Head of Dept. of Materia Medica, and has also served as a guide to several students.She has a rich experience of more than 20 years and has cured many difficult and challenging cases and has brought smiles on those who had given up the hope of being cured.
With the advent of internet technology it has been able to talk and prescribe medicines to those distant people.The Doctor would now be available for online consultation.
Patients willing to consult the doctor are required to kindly fill in a few details in the adjacent form for case taking. Once the form reaches us, a thorough analysis of the case would be done and the prescribed medicines, along with the further followup instructions shall be couriered .
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Disclaimer: The short notes given below on Materia Medica are in the form of PPT and are for reference purpose only.
Multiple authors have been referred in making these short notes..
All images are taken from Google Images. Comments/Suggestions are welcome.
1. Nitricum - Acidum
Disclaimer: The short notes given below on Materia Medica are in the form of PPT and are for reference purpose only.
Multiple authors have been referred in making these short notes..
All images are taken from Google Images. Comments/Suggestions are welcome.
1. Nitricum - Acidum
2. Aethusa Cynapium
3. Apis - Mellifica
4. Aurum-Metallicum
5. Baptisia-Tinctoria
6. Borax
7. Calendula
8. Camphora
9. Cannabis - Sativa
10. Chamomilla
11. Chelidonium - Majus
12. Cina (Santonine)
13. Cocculus - Indicus
14. Coffea - Cruda
15. Collinsonia - Canadensis
16. Colocynthis
17. Cuprum - Metallicum
18. Dioscorea Villosa
19. Dulcamara
20. Eupatorium - Perfoliatum (Boneset)
21. Euphrasia
22. Hepa - Sulphuris Calcareum
23. Muriaticum - Acidum
24. Nitricum - Acidum
25. Petroleum
26. Psorinum
27. Rhododendron
28. Rumex-Crispus
29. Sarsaparilla
30. Staphisagria
31. Syphilinum
32. Thuja - Occidentalis
33. Zincum- Metallicum